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Sep 23, 2016

It's like the Lumbersexual is following me with his beard.

It's like the Lumbersexual is following me with his beard.

Katy (@klwatts) is joined by  John and Kathy vanDyk from Covered Bridge Brewing Company (@CBBeer) to talk about how John started brewing, how his hobby turned into a business, winning awards and of course, the beer they brew.

Show Notes:

  • Is Kathy going to a...

Sep 5, 2016

Best beer in the world? Hmm...

Best beer in the world? Hmm...

Katy (@klwatts) is joined by new friends (who she met through the podcast!) Emily (@ercbrown) and Jamie (@jamiemasse) to drink some mostly old beers.

Show Notes:

  • Does anyone even care about episodes numbers?
  • Yeah, the dry hopping was a fail.
  • Halo Brewery is a Toronto-area brewery that...