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May 31, 2016

I don't always carry empty cans/bottles in my panniers, but when I do I take photos of them under bridges.

I don't always carry empty cans/bottles in my panniers, but when I do I take photos of them under bridges.

Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Chuck (@varxint) and Paul (@brownvanbrewing) to chat about Brown Van Brewing and contract brewing.

Show Notes:

May 21, 2016

I'm still drinking the Molson Export Ale - it's growing on me!

I'm still drinking the Molson Export Ale - it's growing on me!

Matt Petitpas (@mvp1331) and Brian Papineau (@bryehndotnet) join Katy to talk about their favourite macro beer and if being macro really matters.

I realized both of you were grimacing through that glass, but there’s an empty dump bucket...

May 14, 2016

This is a very old photo of Kichesippi Beer Company.

This is a very old photo of Kichesippi Beer Company.

Kichesippi Beer Company just celebrated their 6th Anniversary! Katy (@klwatts) and April (@AThibert) sat down with Paul Meek (@paulmeek613), Co-Owner of Kichesippi Beer Company and chatted about his experiences in beer.

Show Notes:

  • One of Paul's first craft beer...

May 8, 2016

When in doubt, take a beer photo from my balcony.

When in doubt, take a beer photo from my balcony.

Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Sasha (@sashinthecityca) and Matt (@mvp1331) from Ottawa Beer Events to drink (and talk) about some of Ottawa's April beer releases.

Show Notes: