May 31, 2016
I don't always carry empty cans/bottles in my panniers, but when I do I take photos of them under bridges.
Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Chuck (@varxint) and Paul (@brownvanbrewing) to chat about Brown Van Brewing and contract brewing.
Show Notes:
May 21, 2016
I'm still drinking the Molson Export Ale - it's growing on me!
Matt Petitpas (@mvp1331) and Brian Papineau (@bryehndotnet) join Katy to talk about their favourite macro beer and if being macro really matters.
“I realized both of you were grimacing through that glass, but there’s an empty dump bucket...
May 14, 2016
This is a very old photo of Kichesippi Beer Company.
Kichesippi Beer Company just celebrated their 6th Anniversary! Katy (@klwatts) and April (@AThibert) sat down with Paul Meek (@paulmeek613), Co-Owner of Kichesippi Beer Company and chatted about his experiences in beer.
Show Notes:
May 8, 2016
When in doubt, take a beer photo from my balcony.
Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Sasha (@sashinthecityca) and Matt (@mvp1331) from Ottawa Beer Events to drink (and talk) about some of Ottawa's April beer releases.
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