Jun 28, 2016
This is the closest beer has gotten to that expensive piece of equipment. It was scary!
Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Chuck and Stephen La Salle (@TheSKLaSalle)to talk (and drink) some of Ottawa's June craft beer releases.
Show Notes:
Jun 20, 2016
You should really check out the nursery rhyme, "There was a Crooked Man".
Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Nick and Vicki from Crooked Mile Brewing Company (@crookedmilebeer) and learn what made them start on the journey of opening a brewery.
Show Notes:
Jun 13, 2016
Drink one of these and then you'll want MORE! More passion, more flavour, more personality in your beer.
Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Brian (@bryehndotnet) and Chuck (@varxint) to talk about the beers that got them into craft beer - the craft beer gateway beers.
Show Notes:
Jun 5, 2016
I knew my collage skills would benefit me in adult life.
Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Amanda (@abcdeinott) and April (@adawn) to talk about (and drink) some of May's Ottawa Beer releases.
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